Canva provides an opportunity to students to practice writing or creating visual support for their oral presentations. Also, it is a site that offers many templates in order to create graphics but students can let their imagination fly and foster their creativity. This tool will be used in unit 2 in order to practice past tenses.
Name of the project: YOU ARE A ROCK BAND Students Grade; 3rd ESO Competencies:
Competencies 7 and 8: Plan and produce written text of different typology taking into account its communicative objective.
Competency 9: Revise the text in order to improve it using support according to the communicative objective of the activity.
Competency 2: Using text editing, multimedia presentations and spreadsheet applications to produce digital documents.
- Competency 8. Engaging in group activities using virtual collaborative work tools and environments.
To produce a written biography.
To use digital tools and guidelines to plan and write a descriptive text.
To work cooperatively within a group through project work, in order to take mutual responsibility for the outcome.
Groupings: students should work in groups of 3 or 4.
They have to imagine they are a rock band and do the following activities with canva.
Invent the name of their band.
They have to create a poster of a concert with Canva in which they have to write the following information: name of the group, city and date the concert will take place, name of the tour. They can add extra information and photos.
They have to create a cd cover of their group with the name of the CD, a photo and the names of the members of the group and the date it was released.
They have to create a biography of each member of the band using the present and past tenses. They have to talk about some important personal information, a milestone moment, an anecdote with the band and how they started working as musicians.
It is a home activity connected with the previous project: You are a rock band.
Name of the project: YOU ARE A ROCK BAND Students Grade; 3rd ESO Competencies:
Competency 4; Reading Comprehension: Applying comprehension strategies to obtain information and understand the content of written texts with a clear structure found in everyday life, the mass media, and the school environment
Competency 4. Seeking, checking, and choosing appropriate digital information for the task being informed, considering different sources and digital media.
Competency 7. Participating in interpersonal communication environments and virtual publications to share information
Students will have to use Padlet, Vocaroo and Kahoot to prepare an activity to be played in class.
They have to use padlet in order to link or post all the information of their rock band.
Students have to record their text by using the webpage vocaroo and they must link the audio to their text in padlet.
They will have to create 10 questions about the biographies of their rock band and post them on padlet.
Finally, they will create a multiple choice test using kahoot so it can be played in class.
Les eines digitals formen part de la nostra pràctica docent i les utilitzem diàriament. Tot i així, hi ha diferència entre les activitats que es proposen a l’aula i les que han de fer a casa. Els recursos utilitzats en aquestes activitats ja són coneguts per l’alumnat ja que són eines en les quals ja mostren cert domini i això facilita la gestió. No obstant, les activitats proposades a casa poden servir per ampliar continguts i també repassar-ne tal i com vam aprendre durant el confinament i l’època de pandèmia. Les eines digitals ens ofereixen la possibilitat que l’alumant no perdi el contacte i puguin seguir aprenent des de casa.
Cal puntualitzar que la gran diferència és el contacte entre professorat i alumnat ja que costa més solucionar els possibles problemes que es poden trobar durant el seu procés d’aprenentatge.
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